The awards ceremony was held last week and eighty scholarships were awarded to different advanced schools and Universities.
Lulac councils No. 132 and No. 915, Bowie class 72, Class of 88 Foundation, and Bowie Legacy 100 Awarded the scholarships.
The keynote speaker was Diana Sayavedra, El Paso ISD Superintendent and other speakers like County Judge Richard Samaniego were present.
Representatives from Lulac and Bowie legacy were present, Nicolas Dominguez, President
Bowie Legacy 100th Committee and Arturo Pastrana, President LULAC Council 132.
Students and parents were present to receive their scholarship awards.
The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), founded in 1929, is the oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States of America. LULAC was created at a time in our country’s history when Hispanics were denied basic civil and human rights, despite contributions to American society. The founders of LULAC created an organization that empowers its members to create and develop opportunities where they are needed most.
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