The recent rainfall has weeds sprouting up throughout the El Paso community.
To help educate the public about municipal codes related to overgrown vegetation, the City of El Paso Environmental Services Department’s Code Compliance Division will step up enforcement of weed violations over the next month. Code inspectors will notify property owners or tenants of violations. Violations not corrected within the designated period may result in a citation or clean-up fees if the City has to clean the property.
“Overgrown weeds and other vegetation are unsightly and have a health and safety impact on the community. Overgrown vegetation can harbor mosquitoes, rodents and other vectors that impact the public’s health and safety,” Elda Rodriguez-Hefner, Code Compliance Division Manager said. “We are asking for the public’s assistance in minimizing these public nuisances by keeping their yards trim and by abiding by the municipal code and maintaining the vegetation in the parkways and alleys abutting their homes and businesses.”
Environmental Services reminds the public to avoid code violations related to weeds by trimming overgrown vegetation in their yards, as well as, parkways and alleys abutting their properties.
Title 9 of the El Paso Municipal Code states that grass, weeds or uncultivated plants should not be allowed to become overgrown. Weeds must not be allowed to grow to 12 inches or taller or become a nuisance.
The City of El Paso helps control weeds in public rights of way, parks and public facilities by spraying them with herbicides. To learn more about codes related to overgrown vegetation review Title 9 of the El Paso Municipal Code at
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