Fall Outdoor Recreation Program for Youth at Don Haskins and Pavo Real Recreation Centers
The City of El Paso Parks and Recreation Department will host two free editions of the Trailblazers Outdoor Recreation Program introducing the “Wise Kids Outdoors” concept at Pavo Real Recreation Center, 9301 Alameda Ave. and the Don Haskins Recreation Center, 7400 High Ridge Dr.
The Camps for ages 8-17 will introduce “Wise Kids Outdoors” which teaches the energy balance concept while encouraging children to explore the Outdoors. Activities include short hikes, bird and bug identification, along with learning about native desert plants and wildlife habitats. The Trailblazers Program offers children the opportunity to explore nature while teaching them the importance of nutrition and being physically active. Enrollment for each location is limited to the first 25 participants.
Registration is ongoing now at Pavo Real Recreation Center or at www.elpasotexas.gov/parks. The Pavo Real Center Trailblazers Program will be Saturday mornings from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. from October 5th – November 9th.
Registration is ongoing as well at the Don Haskins Recreation Center, and this program will be from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursdays from October 1st – November 7th.
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