April is annually recognized as National Community College Month. El Paso Community College (EPCC) has much to be proud of at the national and local level. EPCC has once again been recognized by Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education Magazine as the number one community college in the areas of Hispanic student and instructor population, as well as the number one grantor of associate’s degrees to Hispanic students.
EPCC will reach out to our military community during National Community College Month by honoring outgoing Fort Bliss Commanding General, Dana J.H. Pittard. The ceremony will take place April 9th at the Centennial Club. General Pittard has been instrumental in the planning of our new Fort Bliss campus. The lease of the Fort Bliss property has been approved. Phase two of the project, hiring of an architecture firm to design the campus, is underway. The proposed grand opening is 2016.
El Paso local governments will honor EPCC during the month. The El Paso City Council will proclaim April as National Community College Month at their meeting on April 9th. The El Paso County Commissioners will put forth the resolution to name April as National Community College Month on April 15th.
EPCC will also honor its own during the month. The annual Employee Recognition Luncheons will take place in the Boardroom at the Administrative Services Center. Employees celebrating 5, 10 and 15 years with the college will be recognized at a luncheon on April 12th. Employees with 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 years of services will be in the spotlight on April 26th. For the first time, EPCC will have employees with 40 years of service. Congratulations to Juliana Bustamante, Leon Blevins, Jeffrey Coles and Fidel De Leon.
Get to know EPCC during April at www.epcc.edu.
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