by Joe Olvera ©, 2012
Dancing for El Pasoans has always been a popular attraction. Whether it’s going to Juarez to dance the latest Cumbia, or whether it’s going to a Hip-Hop nightclub where the music might be different, but, no less enjoyable. From the days when people flocked to learn the latest dance steps from the waltz, to the tango, or perhaps to regular ballroom dancing, progress has given El Paso dancers more choices – starting with the Champion Dance Studio. Located at 12410 Montwood, this 30-year young institution has taken up the gauntlet and is now offering a multitude of dance lessons, all for a reasonable price.
Champion’s Denise Lopez has owned the studio for 16 years. She got started dancing in middle school, continued dancing at Eastwood High School where she was also a cheerleader and a Trooperette. “I’ve always been interested in dance, it helps keep you younger and it provides an outlet,” Lopez said. “Also, it teaches discipline. Like athletes, dancers have to train and learn to be part of a team. It teaches a person life and social skills.” Her studio is booming with some classes having as many as 100 students. “We have all ages, from young people to adults, some are in their early 20s, others in their 30s. Some are school administrators, but, they’re passionate about dancing.”
The studio’s website says this: “Our studio offers a safe, nurturing environment allowing growth and development with each form of dance,” the website says. “All of Champion dance studio rooms are equipped with floating dance floors which help reduce the risk of injuries and allow students to dance longer without getting tired. It offers mirrors that start at floor level so that dancers can see their feet from any place on the dance floor. Other amenities offered by Champion Dance Studio include:
*The directors of programs/curriculums are all professional educators who have provided instruction to generations of El Pasoans;
*Students or parents are never required to fund raise for studio events. Plus, there’s an even more important element to dancing – exercise. We all know that dancing can provide magical energy to a tired soul, can raise the spirit to an unprecedented plane and it can unlock stilted creativity. It can also rekindle forgotten memories and turn depression into a joyous, natural, high even if this only occurs during the dance itself. Besides, dancing can give a person an overall slimming and energetic workout. The dancing body has it all. It’s the exercise that dancing provides that increases the level of brain chemicals and that, in turn, encourages nerve cells to grow. Dancing also requires you to remember dance steps and sequences, boosting brain power by improving memory skills.
Dancing also provides healthy benefits to practitioners, regardless of their physical or mental limitations. A 2003 study published by the New England Journal of Medicine found that dancing of all types, at least twice a week, made people less likely to develop dementia. Research also shows that some dancers with Alzheimer’s Disease are able to recall forgotten memories when they dance to music they used to know. So, with all these benefits, what are you waiting for?
Champion Dance Studio offers everything from Ballet – taught by Audree Harper; Gymnastics taught by Ava Duran, Jazz and Hip-Hop taught by Eva Garza, and Ballet Folklorico- taught by Luz Happy and Yaeko Hernandez. Prices range anywhere from $40 to $55 a month, depending on the type of program. Lessons on drums and guitar are also available. One of today’s modern dances – Zumba, is a dance that combines dance moves with extensive exercise. The website describes this energy as a fusion of Latin and International Music, with dance themes that create a dynamic, exciting and effective workout session. Zumba provides high energy and motivating music, with unique moves that allow participants to dance and have fun while getting fit. For more information or to enroll in classes, contact Champion Dance Studio on their website: or call Denise Lopez, 915-593-0803; “We are going to offer summer programs with something for everybody. We will be open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. – so, give us a call.”
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