Errors occur when your head slides past the ball toward the target during the golf swing, or when it moves too far off the ball away from the target. Either way it’s not good for consistency. Your head should rotate and float with the spine tilt, all the while staying in the middle of your shoulders.
Forget the advice to keep your head down. Your swing is made worse by trying to keep your head stock still, and it can cause injury.
You would think that with all the bad things this shibboleth (“Don’t move your head”) has caused, it would have lost its reputation by now, but I see a lot of beginners adhering to it, and some teachers actually teach it.
Tests show that the head floats in a good swing because under the stress of proper coil, it has to biomechanically. If it is not allowed to rotate, you will almost always be forced intoa correction, making it difficult to keep the club on plane.
So let your head float with your body turn.
How much depends on your body build. If you’re thin and very flexible, as many tour players are, the float will be slight. Medium builds demand a bit more float, andif you’re thick-chested and flexibility-challenged, your head float will be noticeable. It is the swing center, a point just below the chin, that must stay over the ball at impact, but everyone uses the head as a marker, perhaps because the head has ears and the swing center does not.
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