By Joe Olvera ©, 2010
Collecting toys for children might not sound like something that rough and tough U.S. Marines might do, but, it’s something that they take very seriously. El Paso is no different from any other community where the Toys for Tots Foundation gathers toys for needy children who would, otherwise, not receive any presents during Christmas,
Since 1991, the Foundation has taken this mission onto its roughened hands, requesting, picking up, and, even fixing toys that may need just a little love to make them usable again. Of course, new, unwrapped toys are also welcomed during October, November and December – right up to the very last day, the Night Before Christmas.
The Marine Toys for Tots Foundation, an IRS recognized 501 © 3 not-for-profit public charity is the fund raising, funding and support organization for the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. The Foundation was created at the behest of the U.S. Marine Corps. This means, of course, that donations by individuals or businesses are tax-refundable.
Fortunately, it’s not just the U.S. Marines that work on this vital mission, support comes from all facets of a community. Motorcyclists do toy runs, golfers dedicate their tournaments to the event, there is a Marine Corps Birthday Ball at the Marriott Hotel, a Veteran’s Day celebration, the Tree Lighting Ceremony at San Jacinto Plaza, and many other events promoting the Toys for Tots program. So, get involved, volunteer, or designate your business as a drop-off point. Don’t let the Marines have all the fun and all the warm feelings. Toys for Tots – it’s an inspiration.
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