The fairway woods
By T.J. Tomasi
The biggest mistake I see amateurs make with the fairway woods is trying to hit up on the ball. They’re worried about getting the ball airborne, so they try to help it by lifting up with their bodies. Unfortunately, the result is just the opposite, a topped shot.
You can break out of this vicious cycle by trusting the loft of your fairway wood to do its job. Remember the key: Hit down on your fairway woods and take a divot!
The correct address position is very important to good fairway wood play, so here are some basics:
At address, the ball is played off the logo on your shirt to ensure the solid contact of a slightly descending blow. Notice in the photo below at left the straight line from the shaft to the tip
of my front shoulder. This makes the swing more consistent.
Ball position: To help you hit down on the ball, address the ball about 2 inches back from your left heel.
Stance width: Your stance should be square with your feet about shoulder-width apart (measured from the heels).
Alignment: Be careful to set your shoulders so they point slightly left of your target.
Weight distribution: About 50 percent of your weight should be on your front side at address.
At the top, illustrated in the photo to the right below, about 75 percent of your weight is in your trail hip. Notice how my target shoulder is pointing at the ball in a fully coiled position with my front lower leg angled away from the target.